ATLANTA BUSINESS CHRONICLE — The Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) and Georgia’s Path2College 529 Plan launched its “We Care, Child Care Sweepstakes.” It will award funds at both ends of a child’s educational journey. The contest gives $1,529 in college scholarships to one winner each from north, south and southeast Georgia as well as metro Atlanta. The winners will also receive $1,529 to go to their child’s early learning center.
For the past 10 years, the two organizations have collaborated on a chance for Georgia families to win money for education.
“DECAL begins laying the academic foundation for a child’s educational career, and Georgia’s Path2College529 Plan lays a financial foundation on which that child’s future educational dreams can be built,” Amy Jacobs, Commissioner for DECAL, said in a statement about the partnership.
The Path2College 529 Plan is the state’s official college savings plan. Earnings are 100% free from federal and state income taxes when used for qualified education expenses such as tuition.
The sweepstakes is open to Georgia families with children who are 13 and younger who attend a DECAL-licensed child care program. The partnership has awarded more than $75,000 to 34 future college-bound students and has helped inform families about saving for college through Georgia’s Path2College 529 Plan. Entries may be submitted through the end of the month.