SIMPLY BUCKHEAD — They say necessity is the mother of invention, which certainly holds true for Genevieve LeDoux. The chief imagination officer, as she jokingly refers to herself, of Silver Comet Productions, LeDoux is an award-winning producer whose current pet project centers around an animated rock band called Star Forest.
The aha moment for her newest venture took place during the pandemic, when, to get out of the house, she and her two sons would get in the car and drive around with the windows rolled down and the music cranked up. Her oldest son, Hudson, who was 5 at the time, wasn’t a fan of his 3-year-old brother Dempsey’s music because it was too babyish. So LeDoux went looking for music for kids Hudson’s age and found it didn’t exist.
“Everything that was made for the 5 to 9 age group was still very immature and not well produced, so they weren’t into it,” LeDoux says. “I joke it goes from CoComelon to Cardi B, because there’s nothing in the middle.”
It was then she saw a niche that needed to be filled. For inspiration, LeDoux drew upon her years in Los Angeles working on children’s TV shows like “Yo Gabba Gabba!,” “My Little Pony” and a stop-motion series called “Tumble Leaf” that won her an Emmy for Outstanding Preschool Children’s Animated Program. She and her husband, Chris LeDoux, who founded the visual effects company Crafty Apes, had since relocated to Atlanta when he decided to open an office here in 2014. “He was working a lot for Tyler Perry and was going back and forth to Atlanta, and he came home one day and said, ‘You know what, there’s something really happening there,’” she explains. [MORE]